Equipping pastors, leaders and, missionaries
Training university students and professionals to boldly share their faith in a secularized context
Empowering congregations to preach and demonstrate the Gospel through compassion ministries
In his book, Christian Criticism of the University, Charles Habib Malik, former president of the United Nations Security Council, emphatically states that the university “rules the world” today—more than the church, the government, or any other institution. This being so, it suggests that the greatest service the church can do for itself is to “reach colleges for Christ.”
The secular university is indeed one of the most strategic and specialized mission fields in the world. Less than 1% of the world's population attends a university, yet it is from this small group that most of the future leaders in education, business, science, religion, and government emerge. Many international students will return as leaders to their countries of origin, and some closed to the Gospel. By focusing our attention on reaching college students, we have an excellent platform to reach the world.
Our mission is about impacting university students and professionals either on the campus or in the marketplace with God’s message of reconciliation.
We are equipping pastors, leaders, Sunday school teachers, and missionaries through our various workshops and seminars.
• We are training up spiritual/theologically sound followers of Christ
• We are offering biblical discipleship that encompasses every aspect of life
We engage and equip Christ-following men, women, and children from diverse churches to participate in God’s global mission. Empower congregations with tools to respond to current social issues in their communities, such as:
• The role of the Church in the fight against Human Trafficking
• Human Trafficking prevention strategies
• Pornography: its consequences and how the church can help
Implementing social issue campaigns in Spanish (www.espaciosdetransformacion.com)
- White Ribbon week against Pornography
- Red Ribbon campaign against Drug and Substance Abuse
- Blue Ribbon campaign against Human Trafficking
Hosting a bi-weekly podcast on Ending Human Trafficking in Spanish
- Terminando con la Trata (www.terminandoconlatrata.org)
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