As we look back on this past year, it's incredible to see how far we've come, fueled by the Holy Spirit unique gifts and talents each of us has received by grace. We’re excited to celebrate the milestones, the challenges overcome, and the work accomplished. There is not enough space in a report to convey the stories of how talents were nurtured, how new opportunities were shaped, and how we made a lasting impact. To God be the glory!
Prayer Requests
Upcoming events:
--March 8 - Virginia is the Keynote speaker for a Women’s conference here in Cordoba.
--April 7-12 - Train on University ministry (Northern Argentina)
--April 16-20 - The AG University Stduent network (REDU) conference in Lima Peru
--Sept 19-21 - Biblical Conviction with Biblical Compassion conference, Bariloche Arg.
--Sept 19-21 - University Student training, Bariloche Arg.
We are in the midst of confirming additional training events in the north of Argentina. Please pray for open doors and divine connections with leaders.
Pray for more workers: “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Mt. 9:38) There is a great need for more full-time workers in reaching university students in Argentina.