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This past month, we had the privilege of focusing on a key aspect of our mission — reach the lost by training the found. We conducted training events for pastors, leaders, and teachers in multiple cities, from Tingo Maria & Cusco, Peru to Posadas, Argentina—men and women who are truly the backbone of the Church. Our goal was to equip them with a theological foundation that they need to stand firm in their faith and lead with conviction.

International Missions Conference in Tingo Maria, Peru

Virginia and I offered two workshops at the International Missions Conference in Tingo Maria, Peru. Virginia spoke about Biblical Conviction with Biblical Compassion, a conversation on sexuality and Gilbert spoke on the prevention of Human Trafficking. Virginia was also the official translator for one of the plenary speakers - Marie Miller and Gilbert was on a missions panel.

In this training, we emphasized the process of transformation in community, which includes openness to God, others, to risks and failure, other cultures and those outside the church. We taught on theology of suffering and the impact of spiritual disciplines in the christian life, ensuring that these leaders not only grow in knowledge but also in the practical application of God’s Word. By investing in them, we are helping to raise up a generation of believers who will disciple others and continue spreading the Gospel in their communities.


My name is Laura Luz Mila Peralta Perrigo …. born in Lambayeque but I have lived here in this area for many years. I thank God for the opportunity to have listened to these teachings from these two missionaries and I thank God because through you He has spoken to us about the need that this region has. How good that people like you have come to talk to us to give us the message that we were needing. The Lord has had plans and has fulfilled them. I personally tell you that I was praying a long time for this and the Lord has answered. Thank you! Glory be to God! And keep going forward, missionaries. Continue to listen to the voice of your Master, of the One who called you. His Name is always going to be glorified and thank you, thank you! God bless you! God continue to use you and may God prosper your steps, your ways wherever you go. We are waiting for you here in Cusco. We love you and are so grateful to you!

Marriage Seminar - Posadas, Misiones - Argentina

At this marriage seminar we had pastors, leaders and church members. We taught biblical principles for healthy marriages, which are foundational for strong families and vibrant communities within the Church. This training not only strengthens the faith and leadership of those already in the Church, but also empowers them to counsel, teach, and model God-centered relationships, setting an example for both believers and non-believers. By providing a solid theological foundation for navigating marriage, they are better prepared to serve their congregations and reach the lost, multiplying the impact of the Gospel through practical, everyday application.

Testimony from Norma
It was a time of learning, and the tools were very useful for both Cristian and me. We were able to better understand our personalities, and more specifically, we saw ourselves and understood the reasons behind many things. We also learned how to heal the "bruises" from the past, and, of course, we began to establish true communication between us.

Testimony from Mariela
It was truly a blessing for both my husband and me personally (highlighting the personality tests), as it helped us understand and accept each other for who we are, what we bring from our past, and how to encourage each other so that the negative aspects don't affect our relationship or our children. Conflicts will arise, but we should see them as an opportunity to mature in Christ and serve one another, as this attitude glorifies God. It was a great blessing because it teaches us to value each other like a garden and to look at each other with eyes of love despite the difficulties (Convergence/Divergence). We learned to put into practice and continue working on RESPECT, COMMUNICATION, and BOUNDARIES, to be better spouses, better parents, and better Christians.

Ministry Highlights

We are so grateful for your continued support and faithful prayers. Your partnership is a vital part of what God is doing through this ministry, and we couldn’t do it without you!

Prayer Requests:

Financial Need: As we move forward with exciting opportunities to equip university students and establish new groups in various provinces throughout Argentina, we find ourselves in need of additional financial support. We have upcoming travel plans that will allow us to visit these regions, connect with students and leaders, and continue supporting ongoing university student groups. 

Our financial need is great, and we trust that God will provide the resources necessary to carry out these plans – would you be able to partner with us financially? Whether through a one-time gift or a new monthly commitment, your contribution will play a crucial role in helping us fulfill the vision God reach the lost by training the found.

Pray for more workers:

“Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Mt. 9:38) There is a great need for more full-time workers in reaching university students in Argentina.

Saturday October 5th, 2024


Gilbert & Virginia Contreras
P.O. Box 12814
Santa Barbara, CA 93107


AG World Missions
Acct. # 2544344
1445 N. Boonville Ave
Springfield, MO 65802

© 2023 Gilbert & Virginia Contreras / / Assemblies of God World Missionaries