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2020 = When challenges become opportunities

If you wonder what this year has looked like for us, a picture is worth a thousand words - we have been ministering, connecting, counseling, and equipping, utilizing every means possible. This year it has been technology like never before due to the pandemic.

With so many at home due to restrictions, we have been inundated with requests for material and training for discipling, evangelizing, prayer, and many hot topics (drug abuse, adolescent suicide, etc.) in our society today.

As we resource others with bible studies, with books, with online seminars, we have been asking ourselves: What can we do to pass on to the next generation a biblical faith that takes into account the whole counsel of God, without avoiding the biblical texts that bother many? How are our churches and leaders preparing our children, students, and families to have spiritual muscles to resist the existing social pressures and those to come?

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Sunday School training thru webinars

Since we could not travel or gather in person, all of our in-person training shifted to on-line training via webinars.

This year we have completed 52 webinars focused on these three areas: Biblical Theology, Pedagogy, and current Social Issues. They are in Spanish, but you can watch them on our site: / Webinars.

We have been amazed at how people have engaged not only in Argentina but in other countries as well with these resources. One AG Superintendent projected a webinar at his regional pastor's training event. Another pastor from the South of Argentina, Sebastian A., has used various webinars to train his leadership team. Others have used them in their online Sunday school class, small groups, or personal devotionals.

We are thankful for our colleagues who have contributed to these webinars and the many who have given of their time and gifts to bless others.

Prevention through education to stop Human Trafficking

Podcast: Terminando con la Trata

Virginia and I continue with our podcast, Terminando con la Trata, “Ending Human Trafficking,” providing resources so others can be a voice and make a difference on issues that affect women, children, and families in our communities.

This year we have completed another 26 podcasts and interviewed various members from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Many country UNODC representatives encouraged us on the much-needed work to educate and equip our communities on H.T.

To subscribe or listen to our podcast:

Campañas de Concientización y Prevención

As members of the Commission on Sexual Exploitation, Slavery and Trafficking (CSEST) this year, we promoted a worldwide initiative of the commission to have churches spend a “Day of prayer for victims of sexual exploitation, human trafficking, and slavery.”

Contacto Universitario

In the first part of the year, we challenged students to join us for a Community Bible Experience reading the entire New Testament in 40 days. We had over 120 university students participate, and some began small groups, others invited non-Christian friends who accepted Christ. For some, this was their first time reading through the entire NT! We saw a renewal of faith and a new commitment to the study of the Word of God.

Vanessa (a university student from Puerto Madryn) states, “this Bible reading time has put the desire in me to share the Gospel on the university campus. I would shy away from sharing about Christ because of so many philosophies and worldviews. Yet, God’s love compels me to speak. Nothing is impossible with God. I want others to experience the love of God.”

Enrique Boillat, a pastor and our vice president of Contacto Universitario, said, “We understand that most of this generation is Biblically illiterate. We need to help ground them in the Bible.”

Training in Worldview and Biblical Truth

Our mid-year two-week course on Worldview, looking at the six major worldviews and how they answer life’s fundamental questions, lead to initiating a course called The Truth Project.

The Truth Project is a 3-month course addressing the concept of Truth and the biblical worldview. It was a 2-hour weekly class with a discussion following, and we had twelve students in two groups from five different provinces.

Enrique, said this about Ivan (a member of his church and participant in the Truth Project) “I have always had to encourage, prod or push students to participate in the mission of the church. After a couple of weeks in the course, Ivan wants to help with a church plant! He is raring to go!”

We heard many testimonies about how these lessons transformed their perspective, long-term held beliefs, and challenged them to see those around them with God’s love.

During these difficult COVID restrictions, our groups continued:

Weekly discipleship small group mtgs (via Zoom) Weekly prayer for college students, meeting virtually Tuesday 7:00-7: 30 am. Offering training and seminars to youth groups and high schools. We can’t do what we do without you! Thank you for being a part of touching so many lives during this difficult and challenging time, yet full of opportunities.

We go, you send… so all can hear,

Gilbert & Virginia Contreras

Tuesday December 22nd, 2020


Gilbert & Virginia Contreras
P.O. Box 12814
Santa Barbara, CA 93107


AG World Missions
Acct. # 2544344
1445 N. Boonville Ave
Springfield, MO 65802

© 2023 Gilbert & Virginia Contreras / / Assemblies of God World Missionaries